4 Ways to Save Money on Marketing for Your Business


Whether you are self-employed, own your own business, or in charge of marketing for someone else, one of the biggest problems with marketing is that it can get expensive. Most of the time it ends up being worth it because it helps bring in more clients and customers, but you will still have to budget properly in order to front the initial costs for marketing. Luckily there are many ways to save money on marketing for your business. Here are some of the most useful.

Do It Yourself

The number one best way to save massive amounts of money on marketing is to do it yourself rather than hire a professional. With this comes its own set of challenges however, especially if you don’t have much experience with marketing. It is also a huge time commitment, and only you can decide if the amount you’ll save will be worth it.

Or you may choose to do some yourself and hire someone for the rest. Sending out paper mail marketing to find new real estate clients is one simple form of marketing you can do yourself that is pretty inexpensive, not too time consuming, and often effective.

Shop Around

Shop around when it comes to professionals you intend to hire to help with your marketing. Ask friends or fellow business owners if they have anyone they have used in the past that they would recommend. Marketing professionals may also run sales or special discounts for new clients, so take advantage of those deals whenever possible. You may also offer trading your services for theirs— it can’t hurt to ask.

Choose Who You Market To

Putting money into marketing can sometimes be a guessing game, but you know better than anyone who your potential clients or customers are. Make sure you are smart with who you are choosing to market to, and don’t waste money marketing to a group of people who would never be interested in your services. For example, if you sell pregnancy products, it probably doesn’t make sense to invest any of your money into marketing to men. Or if you are a real estate agent in Nashville, you probably don’t need to run ads in Seattle.

Reach Out To Influencers

Instagram influencers and those on other social media platforms can be really effective in helping you to market your business, and often they will make a post for you in exchange for your goods or services. Try reaching out to influencers you think align with your brand and see if they would be willing to help. Many of these influencers have such massive amounts of followers that even one post will reach widely and bring you new clients right away.

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